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Security Chains

Security Chains can be installed to help prevent your home from break ins. Window wells are a common entry point for burglars. Having security chains can help protect your home from burglars. They also can keep kids from removing the covers when playing hide and go seek or just being kids and exploring.

Security Chains Are installed in  pairs

can be installed to help prevent your home from break ins. Window wells are a common entry point for burglars. Having security chains can help protect your home from burglars. They also can keep kids from removing the covers when playing hide and go seek or just being kids and exploring.

FREE ESTIMATES          719 492-4853

Ladders are useful add-ons

If your basement is unfinished code requires that you have at least one ladder for egress. For finished basements each Bedroom needs one ladder for emergency escape.  Ladders make it easy to retrieve toys, trash, tumble weeds and what else blows into your window wells.

Ladders come in 4 different sizes

EXISTING BUILDING CODE requires that the bottom rung of each ladder can have up to a maximum distance from the ground of 18″.  The the bottom rung of a 3ft ladder is 36″ (standard) from the top of the window well. A three rung ladder will max out to a 4’6″ deep window well. If this is confusing we do free estimates to be sure your ladder purchase is for the correct size.  Installation is included